Challenge Overview

As part of the launch of our new Topcoder Community for Predix, we are launching series of fun challenges to help introduce you to GE's Predix platform. This is an alternate to the third challenge of the series and will introduce you to Asset Data Service.


NOTE: Between the time we created the challenges and the challenges were live, the Predix Blob Service became only accessible to those who put in their credit card information. We’re posting this challenge as an alternate to that original challenge.


Important Note:

This is a fun challenge. Although there will be no prize money awarded, members who complete this challenge successfully will receive 500 TCO points for TCO ‘17. Since this in an alternate for the third challenge, you will only receive points for ONE of these two challenge if you submit to both.


If you missed the previous challenges in the series, no problem. Each of the challenges is independent and not related to the others. But you might want to reference the previous challenges for some helpful links and steps.


NOTE: If you haven’t completed the first challenge in this series, you will also need to register for your Predix account. Go to and click the Join the Topcoder Community for Predix button. Fill out the registration form and confirm your email address. Complete the instructions you’ll receive in your community welcome email to register for your Predix developer account.

Challenge Details

What is Predix?

The Predix platform is a cloud-based Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for the Industrial Internet. The Predix platform provides tools, framework, guidelines, and best practices that enable you to create solutions to run industrial-scale analytics. As it connects machines, data, people, and other assets, the Predix platform uses leading technologies for distributed computing, big-data analytics, asset data management, and machine-to-machine communication. A comprehensive platform overview can be found here. If you have previously used or are familiar with other platforms-as-a-service (AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Heroku, IBM Bluemix), this should feel right at home.


Requirements for this challenge

Important Note:

While setting up your app name, please include your Topcoder handle in the app name to enable us to distinguish between apps. For example, if your handle is xyz, your app name could be xyz-wordcloud.

As your introduction to the Predix platform services, this challenge will be focusing on utilizing the Predix Analytics Services.We will be using:

Analytics Catalog

Analytics Runtime

Text Exploration




Predix allows you to create your own analytics rules and store them, but we will be focusing on using the out of the box Text Exploration analytics services to generate a word cloud.



Generate a word cloud, from a text provided.The application should fulfill the following requirements.


- Allow user to input a text paragraph.

- Generate word cloud image from the provided input.


The application should be hosted on Predix. Please remember to include your Topcoder handle in the Predix app, so we can identify your application.



A step by step walk-through for the time series can be found in the Predix ResourcesYou can use the Predix Toolkit to test the analytics.

A sample screen for the application is shown below. The UI is for demonstration purpose only. The actual UI is not important, as long as the application fulfills the stated requirements.


Page 1: Allow the user to input the data as a string. (You may have to split the input into multiple parts for the API to be able to generate a word image)


Page 2: Display Generated Word Cloud Image on the UI



Final Submission Guidelines

1. Provide your application URL in a text file and upload in the challenge.
2. Please include your Topcoder handle somewhere in the application URL.
3. You can use any language to build the application, as long it’s supported by Predix.


2017 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30055966