Challenge Summary
Welcome to "CrowdExchange - Developer Community Wireframes Challenge". In this challenge, we are looking for your concepts, ideas and wireframe solutions to help plan out our new "CrowdExchange" developer community. CrowdExchange will be an internal community portal that will be used by our employees to crowdsource open work/tasks/activities within our company. We want you to focus on the workflow and bringing simple (creative) solutions to how this application should work. At the end of this wireframe challenge, we are looking to have a solution that allows us to understand both the "Submitter" and "Worker" experiences.
Round 1
Please submit these scenarios for Checkpoint feedback!
Submitter Screens
01. Homepage
02. Login and Dashboard
03. Create an Activity
05. Activity Details
Worker Screens
01. Homepage
02. Login and Dashboard Pages
03. User Profile Page
04. Activities List
Round 2
Final Round plus any Checkpoint Feedback included:
Submitter Screens
01. Homepage
02. Login and Dashboard
03. Create an Activity
04. Manage Activities
05. Activity Details
06. Activity Assignment
07. Leaderboard
Worker Screens
01. Homepage
02. Login and Dashboard Pages
03. User Profile Page
04. Activities List
05. Activity Details Page
06. Search
07. Leaderboard
Plus any additional screens/scenarios you think are key to this experience
Challenge Details
This is a wireframe challenge. We are looking for your wireframe concepts to help us plan the potential of this community portal. The key things here are how our internal project teams can use the crowdsourcing model (access this community portal of developers) and drive project deliverables and results. What is the process? What is the user flow? How do I create a project, an activity? As a developer how do I see potential work and things I am interested in working on?
About CrowdExchange
CrowdExchange in an internal developer community portal. We are looking to change how we tackle development activities and create an crowdsource model that allows our employees to tackle the type of development activities they are interested in.
User Stories
Employee: Submitter (Project Manager)
- John is a Project Manager and has development work/activities that he is looking to get done ASAP.
- John decides to use the CrowdExchange community to see if any developers are available to tackle the work.
- John logs in using his employee credentials and then goes through a very simple wizard process of creating a project and activities (work) that he would like to get done.
- While creating the activities John is able to select the "process" he would like to use to get the work done. John is able to select "Assigned, Competition or Team"
- John is able to select the type of code that needs to be developed, write up details about the activity and also assign a suggested timeline/delivery date.
- John submits the activities (work) he would like to get done and it goes out to the community
- John would like to be able to track and review any interest in his activities.
- John would also like to search and find developers (profiles) who might match up with the type of work he needs to get done.
- Workers register for John's activities and show they are interested in tackling his activity
- John is able to review who has registered and is able to assign the activity to one of the workers.
- John and the workers should have the ability to communicate and see progress on the activity.
- John should be able to see a listing of his project or activities and the different stages of completion
- After an activity is complete John is able to close the activity and mark it as resolved.
- John is also able to provide feedback on the activity and the developers profile.
Employee: Worker (Developer)
- Bill is developer in our company and is looking at the CrowdExchange community as a way to help different project teams get their work done and also grow his profile
- Bill goes to the CrowdExchange community site and is able to learn about CrowdExchange and the different opportunities/activities that are currently available.
- Bill logs into CrowdExchange with his employee credentials.
- Bill is able to see his profile and is able to update profile details, education, technologies he likes to work with - he is able to control his profile.
- From his dashboard Bill is able to see activities filter in based on his technology preferences (so activities based on his profile settings). Bill is also able to Search for activities and see if there is anything he is interested in.
- Bill is able to see activities that have been assigned to him (Submitters asking him to work on their activity).
- Bill also receives notifications of activity assignments and he can reply with yes/no and his availability to take on the activity.
- Bill can also search/find an interesting activity and apply to work on it.
- After some time Bill gets a confirmation by email/and notification on his dashboard that the activities has been assigned to him.
- Bill is able to communicate with the Submitter on the Activity
- Bill should be able to report his working progress to activity Submitter periodically.
- Bill is able to submit his code/solution to the Activity
- After Bill finishes the activity the Submitter will close the activity.
- Bill receives updates to his profile that the activity has been completed and any awards/points (gamification) to show status/work accomplished.
- Bill can see his progress and compare his productivity/profiles with other community members via the leaderboard.
Wireframe Expectations:
- You must create traditional wireframe call-outs and notes
- Provide us with your interaction and click-path thoughts and suggestions
- Produce HTML click-through wireframes that can be used to demonstrate all mentioned functionalities as required in each round.
- The application must be very easy to use and intuitive. Keep that in mind when create your solution for the layout and flow information.
- You MUST cover all requirements mentioned in challenge details below.
- Use note pane in every single page you design to explain what items are addressed in that page from the documentation, what things you added/changed/removed, use it to make your idea clearer and help the client to give you constructive feedback.
Branding Guidelines
- Create it for web apps.
- Minimum width 1024px with height adjusting accrodingly.
Required Pages:
We are looking for the following pages - feel free to adjust/modify based on your planning of this community.
Submitter Screens
01. Homepage
- The Submitter will have a page that helps explains what CrowdExchange is and how they can use it to help get their development projects done/complete.
- This is the default page for the community
- There should be some marketing content in it along with summary of activity that currently happening in the community.
- Leaderboard? Open Activities? News Feed? Chatter? What kind of content makes sense and informs the user of what CrowdExchange is all about.
- Plan this page!
02. Login and Dashboard
- To be able use this application, both Submitters and Workers needs to be able to login using their employee credentials
- Capture error screen scenarios
- After successfull login, Submitters and Workers will be redirected to their dashboard page. Dashboard for Submitters and Workers will be different between each other (priorities on what they need to accomplish)
- Submitters dashboard - they should be able to see list of activities that they posted along with any notifications related to the activity/progress. They should see pending activities that are still waiting on assignment.
- They will need a button/process for creating a new activity (work)
- Provide any additional features that you think needs to be available and important for Submitters on their dashboard.
03. Create an Activity
- From the Submitters dashboard, there should be a button or link to create a new activity/activity. Clicking on the button/link will bring a user to the Activity creation process.
- When creating an activity the activity submitter can first create a "story" (project) and the create activities as part of that Story.
- Submitters can choose different types of activity creations by selecting from a template list.Here are several list for the activity types :
* Analytics and Data Management Services
* Applications Services
* Business Process Services
* Data Center, Workload and Cloud Services
* Enterprise Security Services
* Industry Solutions
* Mobility and Workplace Services
- What type of of interactions fit this scenario? Step-by-step (wizard) style?
04. Manage Activities
- Submitter can see all his activities they have posted
- Draft, Active, Complete is visible from this page. We will need filters
- Submitter can Edit, Update, or Delete his Activities. These actions only apply for active/draft activity offers, if its already complete, they will be able to see the details in read only mode.
05. Activity Details
- This page is critical as it will contain details about the work that needs to be completed but will also contain notifications, conversations etc about the activity.
- This page will show the activity description, requirements, code types (tags) and timeline
- Submitter view: This page will show the activity details and also any communication/alerts that are happening with the activity
- We need an area on this page where the Submitter and Worker can communicate (Chatter?)
- Submitter view: There should be a way to select the winner and provide feedback (what is this flow?)
- Worker view: There should be a button or a link to apply to the activity
- We also need to see the upload/attachment of code and see when items were submitted for review.
- Review: We need to know if the code has been reviewed and what score was received
06. Activity Assignment
- Submitters only
- Submitter will go to this page from the activity details page.
- Submitter can see any workers who are interested in working on their activity
- If there are many Workers applying on an activity the Submitter can view profiles to help make a decision.
- Submitter will assign the activity to the Worker
- If there are now Workers applying for the opportunity the Submitter can do a Worker/Profile search to find a profile/technology match for their activity.
- Once a Submitter has found a Worker the can send them a message (email) that will will notify the Worker of the opportunity. Submitters can notify multiple Workers at the same time.
07. Leaderboard
- We are thinking it might be nice to have a community leaderboard
- The leaderboard page will consist of Submitters and Workers.
- We want to capture who is posting activities/closing out work
- We want to capture Workers who are active and completing work.
- We want to highlight different technologies and who is leading within the different areas
- We can show X number of activities have been completed and what their running score/rank might be
- Any leaderboard features you think might be useful? Anything that will help with productivity/interest in completing activities?
Worker Screens
01. Homepage
- The Worker will have a page that helps explains what CrowdExchange is and how they can participate, work on technologies they are interested in and grow their profile.
- This is the default page for the community
- There should be some marketing content in it along with summary of activity that currently happening in the community
- What might be interesting on this page (as it is educational to both Submitters and Workers) Leaderboard? Open Activities? News Feed? Chatter? What kind of content makes sense and informs the user of what CrowdExchange is all about.
- Plan this page!
02. Login and Dashboard Pages
- To be able use this application, both Submitters and Workers needs to be able to login using their employee credentials
- Capture error screen scenarios
- After successfull login, Submitters and Workers will be redirected to their dashboard page. Dashboard for Submitters and Workers will be different between each other (priorities on what they need to accomplish)
- Workers dashboard: They should be able to see list of activities that they are currently working on, any message/notifications regarding their activities or any activities that they applied and still waiting for approval from Submitters.
- Provide any additional features that you think needs to be available and important for activity submitters and workers on their dashboard, maybe box of profile summary? etc?.
03. User Profile Page
- This is a key page!
- Workers will want to make sure their profile is up-to-date and also showing technolgies they are interested in.
- Basic description of workers biography, availability, knowledge and expertise area, working area, show/hidden list of activities that already done in the apps?
- What should be shown in the worker profiles pages to simplify activity submitter found and matching workers with the activities offers.
04. Activities List
- Workers will be able to see any active activities available to the dev community.
- They can filter the activity lists according to their interest (activity type, technology, deadline, etc).
- There will be a lot of activity offers available in this list, how do we make sure this is easy to use? They need to see all of them? navigation? infinite scrolls? category? order from priority/newest/oldest?
- This page will show partial information of the activities offers, activities name, type, deadline, participants, etc?
05. Activity Details Page
- This page is critical as it will contain details about the work that needs to be completed but will also contain notifications, conversations etc about the activity.
- This page will show the activity description, requirements, code types (tags) and timeline
- This page will show the activity details and also any communication/alerts that are happening with the activity
- We need an area on this page where the Submitter and Worker can communicate (Chatter?)
- Worker view: There should be a button or a link to apply to the activity
- We also need to see the upload/attachment of code and see when items were submitted for review. (How does a Worker upload/see their submission uploaded?)
- Review: How does a Worker see their code review/ranking/fixes?
06. Search
- Workers and Submitters will be able to Search
- By default show active offers on this page (maybe newest activity offers) to provide the most relevant information to the Worker
- Workers can search all open activities available in the application.
- There should be a filter area to give workers specific interaction to find specific activity that they want to work on.
- Based on their profile… search results could return just things they are interested in seeing
- Worker can bookmark a search
07. Leaderboard
- We are thinking it might be nice to have a community leaderboard
- The leaderboard page will consist of Submitters and Workers.
- We want to capture who is posting activities/closing out work
- We want to capture Workers who are active and completing work.
- We want to highlight different technologies and who is leading within the different areas
- We can show X number of activities have been completed and what their running score/rank might be
- Any leaderboard features you think might be useful? Anything that will help with productivity/interest in completing activities?
NOTE: You are welcome to add additional screens or combine some of these screens if you feel it will improve the user experience. We are open to your creative ideas around how to plan this developer portal.
Target Audience
- Submitters: Project Managers who need work/activity "activities" done
- Workers: Developers who are tackling/doing the work offered by Submitters.
Learn Axure
- New to Axure? Here are some quick tutorials to help you get started.
Judging Criteria
- User Experience of the application/community
- Completeness and accuracy of the wireframe as defined in the attached requirements.
- How well your wireframes provide a consistent user flow
Submission & Source Files
Preview Image
Please create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024px JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submission within it.
Submission File
Wireframes should be built in HTML or Axure. The resulting files are not critical in this Challenge. The most important point is that all the content is listed and the pages are linked together to show page flow. Keep your source files out from this submission folder.
Source Files
All original source files of the submitted ideas. If you would like to submit notes please include notes.txt file.
Final Fixes
As part of the final fixes phase you may be asked to modify content or user click paths.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.