Challenge Summary
Welcome to Heritage qJack qHMO Card Game Design Challenge! The qJack qHMO Card Game is a game that educates those who are using the qHMO desktop web app about healthcare and management care in a fun and engaging way. It will be a game which fits in and overlays the current qHMO application in a way that fits in with the design and minimizes how much the user is pulled out of the qHMO primary functions. qHMO is a web application that helps a medical facility manage their patient care, case management, prescription control and other aspects of medical records.
We’re looking for a simple but immersive design to help Heritage produce a game that will mesh well with their current app, providing a smooth and non-intrusive experience that will be engaging and fun!
Round 1
1. "Hot spot" design
2. Question and Answer screen
3. "Card Won!" Screen
4. Player Information Screen
5. qJack Individual Game Screen
6. Team Game Screen
Any additional screens that will help us better understand clickpaths, interactions or alternate scenarios that you think would be helpful
Notes.jpg: Any comments about your design for the Client
Round 2
1. "Hot spot" design
2. Question and Answer screen
3. "Card Won!" Screen
4. Player Information Screen
5. qJack Individual Game Screen
6. Team Game Screen
7. League Game Screen
8. Championship Game Screen
9. Notifications and Social Media Screen
Any additional screens that will help us better understand clickpaths, interactions or alternate scenarios that you think would be helpful
Notes.jpg: Any comments about your design for the Client
Challenge Details:
Heritage qJack qHMO Card Game is an game that fits within the qHMO web application. The idea is that a user of the qHMO app can spend time learning about their profession or organization when they have idle time in their work day. This is meant to be fun, simple and easy to get into or exit out of to return to the user's original task in the qHMO web application. The two main parts are the "Question and Answer" section, where the user can win cards to be used in the second section, "the qJack Card Game". Have fun with this one! It's a game that incorporates different approaches to keep the users interested.
Supporting Documents:
-- Note that any references to "qCare" are referring to the qHMO application.
Design Goals:
- Think how this can be something the user can interact with but immediately be able to return to their original workflow seamlessly
- The application should be easy to use.
- Think simple but effective solutions!
- We are looking for designs that give the feeling of a casino card game, but don't let the design overpower the parent application's design.
- The primary application is built with Responsive Design, so look to design with this in mind.
Branding Guidelines :
- Font : Open to designers
- Color : Follow primary application colors(qHMO web apps).
- Size : Desktop Standard Size 1366x768px
User Case Scenario:
- This game will run as additional apps in qHMO web application, user can play the qJack games when hidden "hot spot" appear randomly in any screen positions and user click it, The games will run for one full years and consist of 4 stage :
* Stage 1, Individual Play (3 months, January to March)
* Stage 2, Team/Division Play (3 months, April to June)
* Stage 3, League Play (3 months, July to September)
* Stage 4, Championship (3 months, October to December)
- Each full game is started on Monday and should end on Friday of the same week.
- James is an healthcare employee in a network which uses the qHMO desktop application. He knows that the company develop cool games and want to particpated in it.
- At one time when James is using the qHMO application, he found some clickable icons that usually not available in the apps, Jack discovers a qJack "hot spot" and can start the game if he wants.
- After click the hot spot, James is presented with a question by qJack games - if he gets it right, he wins a "card", which is added to his profile
- If he gets the answer wrong, he is notified and is shown the correct answer, no cards given though.
- James can then look at his own Player Info page which includes previously won cards, current point total.
- From the Player Info page, James can start a Card Game, and play it similarly to the basic rules of Blackjack.
- If he wins, he receives points, which are updated on his Info page.
- He can exit the qJack Game at any point to easily and quickly return to his original qHMO workflow, whether it's done with a close button, slide interaction, or whatever would be intuitive, easy and fast.
Application Features/Screens:
1. "Hot spot" design
- For this design, show what happens when the employee comes across a “hot spot”, activating the game - the hot spots themselves are not visible
- When user use the qHMO application, in random time and area of the app, there will be a hidden “hot spots” that start the game when discovered by the user when they mouseover the invisible spot
- The spot may be a UI element, graphic, or space in the interaction path of the user during the course of their normal use of the qHMO application
- They can not be dismissed, but should be ignorable if someone is too busy - but can possibly be postponed for a set amount of time by the user.
- First hot spot is hit, game table is displayed and a question pops up - (see item 2. Question and Answer screen below).
2. Question and Answer screen
- This screen will appear once user click the hidden "Hot Spot".
- This should start with the appearance of a game table similar to the example given (check qJackTopcoderQuestions(3).pdf).
- Questions will be set in 3 different difficulties, Easy, Moderate and Highy Difficult. Questions difficulties will be arrange depends on stage (read ClientReqs-qJACK_theqHMOcardgame_20140724_JOSDL_v2.pdf for more details)
- Questions: The user should be presented with a multiple choice question which can vary between 4-5, They should also see indicators for all cards they already won (or lack thereof), the card they could win, and if it's a high-difficulty question, the choice between winning a single card vs. 5 discarded cards, and access point to the Player Info screen
- The same question should not be asked repeatedly of the user (this has minimal design impact - more of a game flow aspect)
3. "Question Result" Screen
- If the player wins, the prize card is added to their card inventory
- If it was a high-difficulty question, the player can choose one of 5 cards as displayed from the dealer, which is then added to their card inventory
- After winning and acknowledging their won card, or picking their card from the 5 choices, the player is taken to the Player Information Screen
a. Wrong answer version: Simply indicate that the user chose the wrong answer and show what the correct answer would have been, and the card they would have won. There should also be an access point to the Player Info screen.
4. Player Information Screen
- This screen should include the player's inventory of won cards, individual point total, team status if user joined any team, league status if user joined any league (depends on current stage).
5. qJack Individual Game Screen (Stage 1)
- This should appear like a simple Blackjack game with the player vs. the dealer (system). (See example in qJackTopcoderQuestions(3).pdf)
- You do not have to design all the 52 card faces in the deck, just enough to use for the examples, using basic card designs - numbers/letters and symbols. Do not use stock images, just simple card designs.
- The design on the back of the card should be the qHMO logo - provide a simple card back design that is recognizable as playing cards - we will provide a sample logo, but in the mean time, feel free to simply use a placeholder.
- The dealer and player put down cards as per the basic rules of Blackjack (, but you do not need to design for a full game played out, and no special rules apply (basic black jack rules only).
- Several sample screens are needed to show different scenarios (these are just the same game screen with cards in different positions!) :
a. No Cards on table, player's card inventory shown at bottom, dealer's deck at top showing backs of cards; This is what is displayed when the first hot spot is hit, game table is displayed and a question pops up (see Application Features/Screens, item 2 above). This session of the game is over. Regular work should resume until next hot spot appears.
b. One card down for both player and dealer;
- Once the next hot spot is hit, the game table pops back up. If previous game session was answered correctly, the game table should display one card down for both player and dealer.
- If previous session answered wrong, game table will appear as above (a). Next question is to be listed on screen (see Application Features/Screens, item 2 and 3).
- This session of the game is over. Regular work should resume until next hot spot appears.
c. Two cards down for player and dealer, both under 21 card total;
- Once the third hot spot is hit, the game table pops back up. If previous game session was answered correctly, the game table should display one card down & one open card for both player and dealer.
- If previous session(s) answered wrong, game table will appear as above (a or b). Player may click on the closed card and then decide to play or hold.
- If player decides to hold the dealer will open their card, thus revealing the winner.
- If player plays, next question is to be listed on screen (see Application Features/Screens, item 2 and 3). This session of the game is over. Regular work should resume until next hot spot appears.
- At next hot spot, the player will then open the last card won and a winner will be revealed.
d. Player wins/Player loses: Messaging versions which go over the Game Screen which indicate the Player has won or lost, and if they won, the points that have been added to their total.
6. Team Game Screen (Stage 2)
Design as per Individual Game Screen except:
a. Each team screen will list a team name and its members, along with each player's points from phase/stage 1 play.
- Players will be given an opportunity to join a team. For those not interested in playing on a team, the bucket winnings will be banked and bucket will be reset to zero.
- First week of March, players are to create teams with a maximum of 5 members per team to play.
- A minimum of two players are needed to open a team. A team bucket (account) will be created by the team lead.
- Each team member must buy into a team at a maximum of 100 points per team member. Team bucket points will be 500 to start. Any points left in the individual player bucket will be banked.
b. Play will be the same as to the individual play in phase/stage 1. All points will be added into the team bucket..The primary design difference is showing how the team is competing against a different team and the team point totals.
- Twist: as in individual play, questions answered correctly will be given a card and awarded 10 points. Questions answered incorrectly, no card will be given and 10 points will be deducted from their team bucket.
- As in individual play, when an individual wins, the 100 points are to go to the team bucket.
- At the end of phase 2, the top two teams (within each medical group) will be awarded a gift card. Automatically advances to Phase 3 team play.
- Losing teams, buckets will be split evenly between all players and banked in their individual buckets.
- Individual player buckets will be banked and reset to zero for next phase.
7. League Game Screen (Stage 3)
Design as per Team Game Screen except:
a. League play will consist of two teams per medical group, playing against each other.
- Top teams from phase 2 continue to league play automatically (team members are locked in).
- An additional team slot will be opened per medical group (wild card team) for new players to join the league play. All team members are locked in and may not be add or traded in phase 3.
- Wild card team - each team member must buy into a team at a maximum of 100 points per team member.
- Team buckets will be set to 500 points.
b. Play will be the same as to the individual play in phase 1. All points will be added into the team bucket.
- Twist: as in individual play, questions answered correctly will be given a card and awarded 20 points. Questions answered incorrectly, no card will be given and 20 points will be deducted from their team bucket.
- When an individual player wins, the 100 points will go to the team bucket
8. Championship Game Screen (Stage 4/Final)
Design as per Individual Game except:
- All Question difficulties is set to high.
a. Championship play will consist of all teams playing across all medical groups.
- Top teams from phase 3 continue to championship play automatically (team members are locked in).
- An additional team slot will be opened per medical group (wild card team) for new players to join the championship play.
- Wild card team - each team member must buy into a team at a maximum of 100 points per team member.
- Team buckets will be set to 500 points.
b. Play will be the same as to the individual play in phase 1. All points will be added into the team bucket.
- Twist: as in individual play, questions answered correctly will be given a card and awarded 30 points. Questions answered incorrectly, no card will be given and 30 points will be deducted from their team bucket.
- When an individual wins, the 100 points are to go to the team bucket.
9. Notifications and Social Media Screen, Indications while within the qJack game for game status, social media options, how their team or league is doing if they are part of one.
Target Users:
- qJack's target audience is healthcare employees who seek to learn more information about their chosen topics.
Judging Criteria:
- Cleanliness of your graphics and design.
- User Experience which is fun and simple, and does not distract too much from the primary app
- Creativity and ease-of-use is key to the success as it must be engaging to the employee.
Submission & Source Files
Preview Image
Please create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024px JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submission within it.
Submission File
Submit JPG/PNG for your submission files.
Source Files
All original source files of the submitted design. Files should be created in Adobe Photoshop and saved as layered PSD file, or Adobe Illustrator as a layered AI file.
Final Fixes
As part of the final fixes phase you may be asked to modify your graphics (sizes or colors) or modify overall colors. We may ask you to update your design or graphics based on checkpoint feedback.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.