Project Wolke-Karaoke I- Swift app for playing karaoke tracks-realworldswift

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Challenge Overview

Project Wolke: Karaoke I

Welcome to Project Wolke:

Karaoke I is one of several challenges in the Project Wolke suite to build an awesome karaoke application. This challenge will be a Swift iPhone app that serves as a base application that we will later skin and add new features into.


This app should have two, seemingly, simple pieces of functionality:

  • mix microphone input with an audio track. Structurally, this should be encapsualted in a "stream-in/stream-out" design pattern for later reuse. 
  • send mixed audio over bluetooth to a bluetooth capable output device

that’s it

Additional consideration given for:

  • removing an existing voice components in audio track

Final Submission Guidelines


  • Send an email to lazybaer and request to be added to the GitLabs Project Wolke Team
  • Once added to the team for the Wolke repository, fork the repository and, after the submission phase completes, make a merge request with your submission to this branch


  • Upload documentation for how to run your submission
  • Upload all your source code as a zip
  • Post-challenge, make a merge request with your submission to this branch
  • Provide a video overview of your submission with a recording of the app in action to show functionality
  • There are no restrictions on frameworks but your application should be written using Swift as much as possible.  If you use Objective-C and someone else obtains the same functionality using Swift, they will be given precedence. All applications must pass the Appeals stage from other participants. If you used Objective-C or any other framework, please briefly expain the rationale and why you used it over straight Swift. 

  • Use Xcode beta 6 or later.  


2015 topcoder Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30045838