Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Match Maker - Social Media Analysis

In this challenge, we will explore evaluating social media streams using the Watson Personality Insights.  You will also have the freedom to implement one more Watson service creatively in your submission. 

Challenge Prizes

This challenge is part of the Topcoder Cognitive Community challenge series.  There are no cash prizes.  You will win Cognitive points toward the leaderboard and the leader at the end of the challenge series wins an all expenses paid trip to TCO 17.

Every passing submission gets 500 Cognitive Points. A submission should implement all the requirements of the challenge to receive points. 


If you have not already, go to  and click the Join the Topcoder Cognitive Community Button. Fill out the registration form and confirm your email address.

Go to the challenge forum and follow the thread on how to setup or extend your Bluemix trial account.  Doing so will give you a Bluemix account without requiring you to enter your credit card information. Even if you did this on the last challenge, do it again to extend your free trial further for this challenge.

Create a GitHub account if you don’t have one, and log in.


1. Build a simple application in the language of your choice, as long as it can be deployed to Bluemix
2. Implement Watson Personality Insights -
3. Implement another Watson service of your choice
4. Provide a simple UI that is self-explanatory in how to use your system.


Optional: If you want to use NodeJS - Fork this Bluemix Starter Pack to your own GitHub Repo:
1. Add Services for
   1. Watson - Personality Insights
   2. Watson - Any service of your choice
   3. If you need a DB, please use Cloudant DB
2. Provide a simple UI to use your application. Your application should
   1. Take in a social media handle (twitter, instagram are preferable).
   2. Query public twitter / instagram feeds - Please put a restriction on maximum number of feeds that should be queried (25 feeds should be adequate in most cases).
3. Personality Insights should be used to analyze the results
4. Attached to this challenge is an example header you can use.You will not be critiqued on the design of your UI, only the functionality surfaced in it.
5. Using that data and another Watson service of your choice, do something creative with this information.
6. Follow the deployment instructions to deploy to your own Bluemix Account with the url format: tc-<yourhandle>

DEMO Application By Bluemix

A comprehensive demo application is available at the following link.

NOTE: If you’re creating this application in such a way as you have the frontend and backend as deployed separate applications to Bluemix, your URLs should be as such:

UI: tc-<yourhandle>

API: tc-<yourhandle>

Final Submission Guidelines

Final Submission Guidelines

1. Deploy your application to your own Bluemix instance.

2. Upload a .zip containing your source code and a text file called bluemix-deployment.txt.  This .txt file should contain the URL defined above for us to test.

3. You can use any programming language to build the application, as long it’s supported by Bluemix, has an api, provides a UI, and meets the spec criteria.

Review Guidelines

Since this is a fun, educational challenge, but also includes some creativity, the reviewer will be judging:

1. If your application works as designed with minimal testing
2. If your UI explains what your app does
3. If you used Personality Insights
4. If you used another Watson Service


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30056772