sparck Angular 2 Document Value Extraction Application Contest - Target Mapping Value

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Welcome to the sparck Angular 2 Document Value Extraction Application Contest. As part of this project, we will build an application that allows end users to evaluate the data extracted from documents.


This is a First 2 Finish contest. The first submitter to meet all requirements will win the contest. Additionally, this will be a series of contests that we will run to build the application as a whole. Our client wanted to build the app in really small increments and be able to give periodic feedbacks to ensure realization of the requirements. Hence, we are running this in the F2F track and not through Code, Assembly or UI Prototype.


Contest Details

A physical document’s data is extracted through OCR and machine learning and this data is then formatted for viewing in the browser. This is where our client’s app enters - it allows the end user to view the document in the browser as well as the data extracted from the document.


Since we are building the app incrementally, we are taking this step by step and building the app one component at a time.


As part of this contest, you will provide a feature that will allow users to map value to a field by dragging the field onto a value, thus capturing the value.


Additional details are provided in the contest forum.


You need to make use of Angular Material to match the provided designs. You can certainly make additional adjustments to match the design / image.


You are expected to follow the guidelines listed in the official Angular 2 Website. We are making use of Angular CLI and you need to use that too to build your app. Make sure that ng build (with or without prod flag) works and the app can be deployed through the dist folder generated.

In case you are making use of any other libraries outside the ones mentioned in the official documentation, please first ask in the contest forum.


Final Submission Guidelines

Zip your code and upload it to Topcoder. Tests are not needed. The target browser is latest Google Chrome.


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30056639