Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

For this challenge,we'd like to upgrade challenge service to use Core 4.0.0.

Please follow the Upgrade Guide to Core 4.0.pdf (attached in forum) to proceed the upgrade. Making sure the service is functioning properly and all unit tests passed.

- Please build and use the new version of ap-supply-library 
- Please update the version of file service in pom.xml

Build And Verification

- Build the ap-supply-library:  mvn clean compile install

- Build the microservice from the service folder: mvn clean compile package

- update configuration (src/main/resources/challenge-service.yaml) 

- Run the microservice. From the service folder: 
    java <jvm params> -jar target/<microservice>.jar server src/main/resources/tagging-service.yaml
    Note: <jvm params> should include any environment specific parameters that are not hardcoded in the yml: -Ddw.<property-name>=<value>

If the service starts successfully, you should see log messages similar to the ones below, displaying a list of registered endpoints specific to your service. If the service starts cleanly and you see the entries for all resources of the microservice, the service has been migrated correctly. 

Call the API services, make sure it is functioning properly.

Final Submission Guidelines

- Code Changes For the upgrade
- Screencast for showing the service is functioning properly


2017 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30055370