Topcoder Submission Processor - Add File Validation for Source Zip

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

For our new submission, When a design submission is submitted, there are several processors to do post submission processing.

For this challenge, we'd like to update the validation for the source zip file. Currently we only check if the extension is .zip, we want to also try open it and make sure it is a valid zip.

The checks don't need to extract anything, just check if it is valid and not corrupt.

It is not needed to check the cover image, or the submission zip, as those are already validated as part of the process.

Please add the validation in DesignZipSubmissionValidatorProcessor class.

About Environment Setup
Please follow to setup your local environment for submission system. The related libraries and services code will be posted in forum.

General Coding Requirements
1- Complete javadoc is required: All new or updated classes, methods and fields must have javadoc comments, any method with more than 7 lines must also have inline comments
2- Test code coverage must not decrease

Final Submission Guidelines

1. Code changes for the submission processor
2. Setup and Verification guide


2016 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30054387