March 20, 2019 Single Round Match 753 Editorials

Div II Easy: KerimJavati

For each l like L, it takes 2 * distance(‘a’, L) + 1 seconds for Kerim to type it.

Time complexity is O(text.size())

public static int howLong(String text) {
  int ans = 0;
  for (char c : text.toCharArray())
      ans += 1 + 2 * (c - 'a');
  return ans;

Div II Medium: CCChecker2

Simulate the process, several things to check:

  • All elements in arrays int[] moveStartRow, int[] moveStartCol, int[] moveDestRow, int[] moveDestCol, must be between 1 and n.
  • Never two cubes could take the same position.
  • Cubes must arrive at their destination at the end.
  • Moves must be valid.

Time complexity is O(moves * m), could be improved to O(moves + m + n ^ 2).

public static String check(int n, int[] startRow, int[] startCol, int[] destRow, int[] destCol, int[] moveStartRow, int[] moveStartCol, int[] moveDestRow, int[] moveDestCol){
  int m = startCol.length, moves = moveStartCol.length;
  if (checkArray(n, moveDestRow) || checkArray(n, moveStartRow) || checkArray(n, moveDestCol) || checkArray(n, moveStartCol))
      return "invalid";
  for(int i = 0; i < moves; i++) {
      int id = -1;
      for(int j = 0; j < m; j++)
          if(startRow[j] == moveStartRow[i] && startCol[j] == moveStartCol[i])
              id = j;
      for(int j = 0; j < m; j++)
          if(startRow[j] == moveDestRow[i] && startCol[j] == moveDestCol[i])
              return "invalid";
      if(abs(moveStartCol[i] - moveDestCol[i]) + abs(moveStartRow[i] - moveDestRow[i]) != 1)
          return "invalid";
      if(id == -1)
          return "invalid";
      startCol[id] = moveDestCol[i];
      startRow[id] = moveDestRow[i];
  for(int j = 0; j < m; j++)
      if(startRow[j] != destRow[j] || startCol[j] != destCol[j])
          return "invalid";
  return "valid";

private static boolean checkArray(int n, int[] destRow) {
  for(int x : destRow)
      if(x < 1 || x > n)
          return true;
  return false;

Div II Hard: MaxCutFree

Consider bridges, they form a forest graph, solve the problem for each tree of this forest independently. Now the problem is converted to find the maximum independent set in a tree (a set that no two vertices out of that are adjacent). Use Dynamic Programming. For each vertex, keep two values:

  • Close: Answer for the subtree of this vertex.
  • Open: Answer for the subtree of this vertex if you don’t choose this vertex.

Now, dp[root].close is the answer.

public static class Edge{
  int v, u;
  public Edge(int v, int u) {
      this.v = v;
      this.u = u;
public static class Dp{
  int open, close;
  public Dp(int open, int close) { = open;
      this.close = close;
public static final int maxn = (int) 3e5 + 17;
static int edge[], comp[], h[], gp, d[], cnt[];
static boolean bl[];
static boolean seen[];
static ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > g = new ArrayList<>();
static Edge e[] = new Edge[maxn];
static int hi(int v, int p){
  int ret = h[v];
  seen[v] = true;
  int parEdge = 0;
  for(int i : g.get(v)){
      int u = edge[i] ^ v;
          h[u] = h[v] + 1;
          int t = hi(u, v);
          if(t == h[u])
              bl[i] = true;
          ret = min(ret, t);
      else if(u != p && u != v)
          ret = min(ret, h[u]);
      else if (u == p)
  if(parEdge > 1)
      ret = min(ret, h[v] - 1);
  return ret;
static void hello(int v){
  cnt[ comp[v] = gp ]++;
  for(int i : g.get(v)){
      int u = edge[i] ^ v;
      if(!bl[i] && comp[u] == -1)
static void build_tree(int m){
  for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)
      if(bl[i]) {
static Dp dfs(int v, int p){
  seen[v] = true;
  Dp ans = new Dp(0, 1);
  for(int u : g.get(v))
      if(u != p) {
          Dp child = dfs(u, v);
 += child.close;
          ans.close +=;
  ans.close = max(ans.close,;
  return ans;
static public int solve(int n, int a[], int b[]){
  int m = a.length;
  edge = new int[maxn];
  comp = new int[maxn];
  h = new int[maxn];
  d = new int[maxn];
  cnt = new int[maxn];
  bl = new boolean[maxn];
  seen = new boolean[maxn];
  comp = new int[n];
  g = new ArrayList<>();
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      g.add(new ArrayList<>());
  Arrays.fill(comp, -1);
  for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
      int v = a[i];
      int u = b[i];
      //System.err.println(v + " " + u);
      e[i] = new Edge(v, u);
      edge[i] = v ^ u;
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
          hi(i, -1);
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      if(comp[i] == -1){
          cnt[gp] = cnt[gp] - 1;
  g = new ArrayList<>(n);
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      g.add(new ArrayList<>());
  Arrays.fill(seen, false);
  int ans = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
          ans += dfs(i, -1).close;
  return ans;


Keep trie of numbers at each moment and two elements that maximize the answer, e1, and, e2.

  • If number x added to the bag, at first try to update the answer and if updated, update e1 and e2. Then add x to trie. Time complexity: O(log MAXV).
  • If number x become removed from the bag, remove it from trie. If it’s e1 or e2, clear trie, insert elements one by one again and update the answer. Time complexity: O(q * log MAXV) if x is e1 or e2, O(log MAXV) otherwise.

What do you think about time complexity? The point is because queries are generated randomly, the probability of that x equals to e1 or e2 is 2 / n. So the mathematical expectation of time complexity is: q * (2 / q * q * log MAXV + (q – 2) / q * log MAXV) = q log (q).

static class Node {
  int cnt, index;
  Node left;
  Node right;
  public Node() {
      cnt = 0;
      left = null;
      right = null;
      index = -1;
static class Pair {
  int key, value;
  public Pair(int key, int value) {
      this.key = key;
      this.value = value;
static Node root = new Node();
static void insert(int value, int index) {
  Node cur = root;
  for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (((1 << i) & value) == 0) {
          if (cur.left == null) {
              cur.left = new Node();
          cur = cur.left;
      else {
          if (cur.right == null) {
              cur.right = new Node();
          cur = cur.right;
  cur.index = index;

static void remove(int value) {
  Node cur = root;
  for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (((1 << i) & value) == 0) {
          cur = cur.left;
      else {
          cur = cur.right;

static Pair getMax(int value) {
  Node cur = root;
  if(root.cnt == 0)
      return new Pair(-1, 0);
  int res = 0;
  for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--) {
      int add = 0;
      if (((1 << i) & value) == 0) {
          if (cur.right != null && cur.right.cnt != 0) {
              cur = cur.right;
          else {
              cur = cur.left;
      else {
          if (cur.left != null && cur.left.cnt != 0) {
              cur = cur.left;
          else {
              cur = cur.right;

      res = 2 * res + add;
  return new Pair(cur.index, res);
public static int maximumXor(int q, int base, int add, int rate) {
  final int Mod = (int) 1e9 + 7;
  int ans = 0;
  int a[] = new int[q];
  int y[] = new int[q];
  int z[] = new int[q];
  boolean deleted[] = new boolean[q];
  int cur = 0, sz = 0, cera = -1, cerb = -1;
  for(int i = 0; i < q; i++){
      cur = (int) (((long) cur * base + add) % Mod);
      if(cur % rate != 0){
          //System.out.println("+ " + cur);
          Pair tmp = getMax(cur);
          if(ans < tmp.value){
              ans = tmp.value;
              cera = sz;
              cerb = tmp.key;
          insert(cur, sz);
          a[sz++] = cur;
      else if(sz > 0){
          int remIndex = cur % sz;
          //System.out.println("- " + remIndex + " (" + a[remIndex] + ")");
          if(!deleted[remIndex]) {
              deleted[remIndex] = true;
              if (remIndex == cera || remIndex == cerb) {
                  root = new Node();
                  ans = 0;
                  cera = cerb = -1;
                  for (int j = 0; j < sz; j++)
                          Pair tmp = getMax(a[j]);
                          if (ans < tmp.value) {
                              ans = tmp.value;
                              cera = j;
                              cerb = tmp.key;
                          insert(a[j], j);
      y[i] = ans;
      //System.out.println("= " + ans);
  z[0] = y[0];
  for(int i = 1; i < q; i++)
      z[i] = (int) (((long) z[i - 1] * base + y[i]) % Mod);
  return z[q - 1];


Consider xor of range [L, R] be X, we are searching for some i (L <= i <= R), such that maximizes the value X ^ a[i];

We know how to find value maximizing xor in a trie (like problem 706D from codeforces). Let’s keep a trie for each prefix of the array, name the trie constructed from numbers in the range [0, i], t[i]. For each node, keep count of the number of nodes in its subtree. Now, for answering query [L, R], we can subtract values written on nodes in t[L] from t[R + 1], from this trie we can find the answer.

One problem remains. Time complexity is now O(n ^ 2 * log MAXV). The key idea is to use persistent trie instead of constructing n tries, it reduces the time complexity to O(n * log MAXV).

private final static int Mod = (int) 1e9 + 7;
static class PersistentTrie
  int node;
  int left[],right[],data[];
  int maxN=20000001;
      node=0;//0 is dummy node
      left=new int[maxN];
      right=new int[maxN];
      data=new int[maxN];
  /**Finds the number in this trie which maximizes xor with val.
   * @param n is the root number of the version which is being queried.
   * @param val is a 32 bit positive integer.
   * @return A value from trie which maximizes the xor with val.
  int queryMax(int n, int m, int val)
      int ans=0;
      int y=1<<30;
          if((val&y)>0)//current bit is 1
              if(data[left[m]] - data[left[n]]!=0)
                  n = left[n];
                  m = left[m];
              else if(data[right[m]] - data[right[n]]!=0) {
                  n = right[n];
                  m = right[m];
                  return ans;

          else//current bit is 0
              if(data[right[m]] - data[right[n]]!=0)
                  m = right[m];
              else if(data[left[m]] - data[left[n]]!=0)
                  m = left[m];
                  return ans;
      return ans;
   * Insert the value val in the trie version with root n.
   * @param n Root number of trie version in which insertion is to be done.
   * @param val Value to be inserted.
   * @param y pow(2,30) in this case.
   * @return
  int insert(int n,int val,int y)//returns the root of new trie
      //create a new node
      int cur=++node;
          return cur;

      if((val&y)>0)//current bit is 1
          int r=insert(right[n],val,y>>1);
          int l=insert(left[n],val,y>>1);

      return cur;

public static long maximumXor(int n, int q, int base, int add, int qBase, int qAdd){
  PersistentTrie pt = new PersistentTrie();
  int a[] = new int[n + 1];
  int ps[] = new int[n + 1];
  int root[] = new int[n + 1];
  root[0] = ps[0] = a[0] = 0;
  for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
      a[i] = (int) (((long) a[i - 1] * base + add) % Mod);
      root[i] = pt.insert(root[i - 1], a[i], 1 << 30);
      ps[i] = ps[i - 1] ^ a[i];
      //System.out.print(String.valueOf(a[i]) + ' ');
  int cur = 0;
  long ans = 0;
  while(q-- > 0){
      cur = (int) (((long) cur * qBase + qAdd) % n);
      int l = cur;
      cur = (int) (((long) cur * qBase + qAdd) % n);
      int r = cur;
      if(r < l) {
          int t = l;
          l = r;
          r = t;
      ans += pt.queryMax(root[l], root[r + 1], ps[r + 1] ^ ps[l]);
      //System.out.println(String.valueOf(l + 1) + ", " + String.valueOf(r + 1) + " = " + pt.queryMax(root[l], root[r + 1], ps[r + 1] ^ ps[l]));
  return ans;

Harshit Mehta

Sr. Community Evangelist


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