May 23, 2020 Jessie’s Design Month Dash – Round 2 Recap

A few days ago we saw so many amazing t-shirts designs from Jessie’s Design Month Dash Round 1 challenge. The winners of that challenge have advanced to Round 2 and wowed us with their designs again!

The objective of the second challenge was to design a new website page for the Brackets Club. The Brackets Club is an elite group of Topcoder members who truly care about our community. The goal of the Brackets Club is to provide our community with additional support when they need it the most – financially and general well-being.

For this Round, we had 3 Heats/Challenges running at the same time. Each heat had a specific photo to use, a random item and an emoji that the designers had to incorporate in their Brackets Club page submission. In addition to that, they also were limited to use only a specific color palette. The submitters did a great job at incorporating these elements. The top 5 winners from each heat will advance further to Round 3 and win $50 and Design Month points. 

Although we didn’t ask the members to follow the Topcoder design style with blobs and curves, many did it which was a nice addition. The top designs the judges picked, were creative in applying the random elements as well as presenting the information and layout. Many of them came with unique elements that made the designs pop up more.

Thank you to all the Topcoder staff round 2 judges for providing feedback.

Round 3 is going to be a tough one! From the 120 members who kicked off Jessie’s Design Month Dash in round 1, only the top 15 have made it to round 3. Round 3 will take place on Sunday, May 24 and will last for only 24 hours.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Heat 1

Photo of Harshit Mehta 

Random item: Giant check of cash

Emoji: Hugging emoji

Color palette: turquoise, purple, blue

1st: yoki

2nd: iamtong

3rd: adittjg

4th: aditm17

5th: eriantoongko

Heat 2

Photo of Adroc

Random item: Pie chart 

Emoji: Heart eyes 

Color palette: violet, orange, yellow

1st: adalahoscar

2nd: aveef

3rd: billthezab

4th: nestwasp

5th: oninkxronda

Heat 3

Photo of DaraK

Random item: clipboard 

Emoji: hands up

Color palette: green, brown, pink

1st: khusnunirawan

2nd: dendyh7

3rd: VivekSati

4th: arcnajib

5th: Rizqykhairani


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