April 21, 2017 Data Science Weekly Challenges: Week #5

Week #4 Challenge Results

As a reminder, the week #4 challenge was…
…The competitor whose score at the Marathon Round 1 midpoint is the closest to the average of all full submission scores.
The average score for 102 competitors who had completed a full submission by the midpoint of the match was 322,321.93. The closest score of 322,682.64 belonged to wleite, whose last submission unexpectedly scored less than half of his recent scores. Fortunately, his follow-up submission recovered from this dip, getting him back to the top 5 on the leaderboard.

Week #5 Challenge

For the fifth week, we’ll stay with the Round 1 of the Marathon competition. The fifth t-shirt will go out to…
…The competitor who has the shortest code in the top half of the scoreboard.
The scoreboard will be taken based on the final results. Only the last full submissions from each competitor will be considered (same as for the final scoring).
There is still time to jump in and take part in Marathon Round 1, so I hope to see you on the final scoreboard.
I’ll be returning during the week of May 1st with the next Data Science challenge for Algorithm Round 1C, so stay tuned!


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