Friday, July 26, 2024

Design and Development: Round 2 - 06.28.07 7:45 PM EDT

By Petr
TopCoder Member

Today's Component Design and Development second part of appeals turned out to be quite eventful, too. We'll try to give some play-by-play report on it. Here's what the scores were in the beginning of the appeals phase:

argolite 89.50
bendlund 89.12
oldbam 85.43
kyky 85.05
AleaActaEst 64.12
sql_lall 0.00
kakarotto 0.00

PE 92.31
hefeng 86.92
cnettel 86.19
enefem21 80.41
wolve 77.72
tyrian 67.02

We can see that argolite's predictions were right, and two competitors failed to submit anything for the second component in the Design competition.

As the appeal phase started, the most notable thing on the scoreboard (apart from two absent submissions) was that kyky's design was scored very low by Luca. It turned out that he got several 2's on important items because Luca thought he didn't fulfill all the requirements. Sergey thinks that he did indeed fulfill all of them, although in a slightly complicated manner - he has improved the design by adding an additional layer to it. kyky has submitted 7 appeals on the subject, hoping to increase all that 2's to 4's and get a reasonable score here. None of those has yet been answered as of 1:46 PM PDT.

The development track also has one very active contestant - cnettel has already filed 15 appeals, although all that he can probably hope for is second place, as PE has been scored the highest by all three reviewers, including an amazing 98+ score from TheCois.

Meanwhile, kyky has already moved to the third place because zjq has accepted his appeal and raised his score to a resounding 97+. bendlund and argolite are also not going to sit out, as they have also had successful appeals.

Here are the score changes as of 1:54 PM PDT:

argolite 90.23
bendlund 89.27
kyky 86.20
oldbam 86.11
AleaActaEst 64.12
sql_lall 0.00
kakarotto 0.00

PE 92.69
hefeng 86.92
cnettel 86.45
enefem21 80.41
wolve 78.10
tyrian 67.02

PE seems to have a hard time with his appeals, as he can only try to appeal his rare 3's :) Most of his competitors are typing the appeal texts all the time. cnettel's portfolio now incorporates 23 appeals.

There's still no answer from Luca on kyky's situation. Let's hope that the situation will be resolved before the end of the appeals phase.

The battle for the second place in the development continues, hefeng has 87.44 points now, and cnettel has 86.87.

bendlund has had several succesful appeals, bringing him first place with 91.08.

Here are the standings at the end of the appeals phase - argolite has regained first place:

argolite 92.69
bendlund 92.13
kyky 87.89
oldbam 87.26
AleaActaEst 68.29
sql_lall 0.00
kakarotto 0.00

PE 93.37
hefeng 87.44
cnettel 87.39
enefem21 80.41
wolve 78.10
tyrian 67.02

There're still a lot of appeals to be judged, including the kyky's appeals to Luca that are pending for about 2 hours now. That's some strange behaviour from Luca.

Luca has started answering appeals, and kyky is already second with 92.23. Almost a 5-point jump, and there are more appeals to be judged!

Now bendlund strikes back and is currently first with 93.27!

And finally Luca has finished answering kyky's appeals, and kyky gains a strong lead with 94.17.

The scoreboard screens were turned off with several appeals still pending, but it seems that kyky has a good shot on winning the second component in a row. Good job, and let's hope the final results will be published later today!
