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2005 TopCoder Open
Online Round 4

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Match summary

TCO Round 4 provided an amazing conclusion to the online competitions. Unlike the previous rounds, not a single problem was easily solved by the coders. Even the Level 1 problem provided trouble for the top ranked competitors. The difficult problem set helped make the challenge phase extremely eventful. HardCoder, who claimed 18th place, did not have a successful submission. His 400 point score was earned purely through challenges. The top two finishers, texel and Petr, were the only to solve all 3 problems correctly. Petr, the highest rated coder to advance to the next round, will get a chance to prove himself onsite for the first time. Good luck to all in the upcoming rounds.

The Problems

CompanyMessages discuss it
Used as: Division One - Level One:
Value 250
Submission Rate 85 / 98 (86.73%)
Success Rate 59 / 85 (69.41%)
High Score gawry for 237.60 points (6 mins 33 secs)
Average Score 183.72 (for 59 correct submissions)

Despite its simple appearance, this problem proved difficult enough to stump many of the competitors. To solve it, we recursively try to answer the question "Who's the boss?" Given a subset of the total number of employees, we try each as the boss of that subset, and recursively solve the problem without the chosen boss. Then we count messages sent to the boss, and determine which choice is best. To see that this process works, note that the relative order of the lower employees do not affect their communications with the boss. This shows that the problem exhibits the type of structure necessary for DP/memoization.

TokenGrid discuss it
Used as: Division One - Level Two:
Value 500
Submission Rate 54 / 98 (55.10%)
Success Rate 16 / 54 (29.63%)
High Score kalmakka for 344.15 points (21 mins 15 secs)
Average Score 241.12 (for 16 correct submissions)

Some argued that this was the hardest problem of the set. The basic idea behind the solution is to keep adding tokens to the unknown node until we can arrive at the final board setup. After each token is added we simplify the grid where possible. Determining when to stop this process can be very costly if not done correctly. To speed this up, we use a grid hash function. This is done by treating the standard nodes of the grid as digits in a large number. The place value of each digit is the number of neighbors the corresponding node has. Once the hash is computed, it can be compared to the final setup to see if we have found a successful return value. If not, we can mark the hash in a boolean array. We return -1 when an array entry is marked twice. A simple analysis of the constraints shows that this array will required no more than 13436928 entries. In fact, only a fraction of these entries are markable by any input case.

GetSubsequence discuss it
Used as: Division One - Level Three:
Value 1000
Submission Rate 8 / 98 (8.16%)
Success Rate 7 / 8 (87.50%)
High Score texel for 608.71 points (26 mins 42 secs)
Average Score 526.96 (for 7 correct submissions)

This problem struck me as being trickier than the usual DP/memoization tasks I have come across. The two major issues are the ordering of the list, and that duplicate subsequences are hard to avoid. The major hurdle is to define the following function which computes, starting from a given position in the string, with a given initial letter, the number of subsequences of a specified length. Java code for this function follows:

public long num(String s, int pos, int left, char c) {
  if (left == 0) return 1;
  if (pos == s.length()) return 0;
  int k = left + 51 * (pos + 51 * ( c > 'Z' ? c-'a'+26 : c-'A' ) );
  if (cache[k] > -1) return cache[k];
  //Current character doesn't match c
  if (s.charAt(pos) != c) return cache[k] = num(s,pos+1,left,c);
  //Matched last character
  if (left - 1 == 0) return cache[k] = 1;
  long ret = 0;
  //Try all possible next letters
  for (char cc = 'A'; cc <= 'z'; cc++) {
    if (cc == 'Z'+1) cc = 'a';
    ret += num(s,pos+1,left-1,cc);
  return cache[k] = ret;
Above the cache has been prefilled with negative values. The key motivation behind the above code is that a subsequence that starts with a letter c can be forced to use the first c in s searching from position pos. For example, if we are finding subsequences of abcabc, then the subsequences that begin with b can be looked at as b followed by a subsequence of cabc. There is no reason to use the second b as the initial b. This allows us to avoid duplicates.

Next we must find a particular subsequence in L. First we use num to compute the number of subsequences of each possible length. The sum of these becomes our modulus. Then we count through the possible lengths until we reach the one with our subsequence in it. Once this is found, we step through possible first letters again looking for our subsequence. This is repeated on the second letter, and so forth, until we find the return value.

By brett1479
TopCoder Member