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SRM 268
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Match summary

A difficult medium and sneaky hard gave Div 1 coders many challenge opportunities. The tricky hard, which featured an interesting mix of parsing and searching, had only 6 correct submissions. tjq, who bolstered his 3 correct submissions with 2 challenges, narrowly edged out Petr for the win. Strong performances from Im2Good and Per kept them in striking distance. The division 2 hard was no slouch either, claiming all but 9 submissions. Seasoned competitor emka207 captured the div 2 crown, with mhchan and xnitin close behind.

The Problems

Used as: Division Two - Level One:
Value 250
Submission Rate 310 / 363 (85.40%)
Success Rate 268 / 310 (86.45%)
High Score zylum for 247.33 points (2 mins 57 secs)
Average Score 193.85 (for 268 correct submissions)

This problem required more string manipulation than a typical Div 2 easy. One type of solution loops over each line of the input, and keeps a counter tracking periods. The first period seen initializes the counter to 1. An 'X' or end-of-line causes the counting to stop, at which point it is determined if the correct number of periods were found. We can simplify this code somewhat using regular expressions. Java code follows:

public int countWords(String[] board, int size) {
    int ret = 0;
    for (int i =0; i < board.length; i++) {
	board[i] = ("X"+board[i]+"X").replaceAll("X","XX").replaceAll("X\\.{"+size+"}X","XAX");
	ret += board[i].replaceAll("[^A]*","").length();
    return ret;

Used as: Division Two - Level Two:
Value 500
Submission Rate 236 / 363 (65.01%)
Success Rate 165 / 236 (69.92%)
High Score KillerCoder for 493.87 points (3 mins 10 secs)
Average Score 353.45 (for 165 correct submissions)
Used as: Division One - Level One:
Value 250
Submission Rate 278 / 283 (98.23%)
Success Rate 249 / 278 (89.57%)
High Score krijgertje for 248.77 points (2 mins 0 secs)
Average Score 213.61 (for 249 correct submissions)

The problem asks us to consider all possible ways of concatenating distinct dictionary words. This naturally lends itself to a double loop over the dictionary elements. The algorithm maintains a set S that is initialized with the words in the dictionary. If a generated word (by our concatenations) is present in S, we add it to a set of ambiguous words. Otherwise, we add the generated word to S. When this process is complete, all ambiguities will be in a single set. We return the size of this set. Java code follows:

public int ambiguous(String[] dictionary) {
    HashSet words = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(dictionary));
    HashSet cntd = new HashSet();
    for (int a = 0; a < dictionary.length; a++) {
	for (int b = 0; b < dictionary.length; b++) {
	    if (a == b) continue;
	    String comp = dictionary[a] + dictionary[b];
	    if (!words.contains(comp)) words.add(comp);
	    else cntd.add(comp);
    return cntd.size();

Used as: Division Two - Level Three:
Value 1000
Submission Rate 26 / 363 (7.16%)
Success Rate 9 / 26 (34.62%)
High Score emka207 for 699.24 points (20 mins 35 secs)
Average Score 534.92 (for 9 correct submissions)

The constraints allow us to avoid most of the geometric issues in the problem, and reduce the algorithm to semi-routine looping. The general idea is to loop over each triangle, and color in each grid section it touches. We maintain a boolean array that tracks which sections are colored. This allows us to avoid double coloring a section. The number of colored sections is the return value. The tricky aspect is that square grid sections will not work. To accurately keep track of the triangles, we divide the natural grid squares into fourths using diagonals. Thus each grid square becomes 4 triangular sections. The return value is changed to one-fourth the number of colored triangles. There are some potential traps with this method, such as not allocating a large enough array to account for all possible triangles. If a set of triangle identifiers is used instead of a boolean array, this issue is avoided.

Used as: Division One - Level Two:
Value 500
Submission Rate 191 / 283 (67.49%)
Success Rate 79 / 191 (41.36%)
High Score kalinov for 465.67 points (7 mins 49 secs)
Average Score 303.94 (for 79 correct submissions)

This problem basically came down to figuring out the underlying graph theory. Using standard depth-first search code, we can label each connected component. In addition, we store the number of odd degree vertices each component contains. The vertices here are locations, so an odd degree vertex occurs when an odd number of tickets reference a location. Why are odd degrees important? The problem requires a path containing all of the edges (tickets). Using graph theory terminology, we need to add edges until we have an Eulerian walk. This occurs exactly when the graph is connected, and has at most 2 odd degree vertices. Once this goal is clear, the components labeled, and the odd degree vertices counted, we still must determine how many additional edges are needed.

We can deal with the two problems in isolation. Firstly, we must connect the graph. That is, if the graph contains more than 1 component, we need intercomponent edges. Arranging the components in an arbitrary sequence, we can connect them in a path. For example, if the component sequence is

C1, C2, ..., Cn
then we add an edge between C1 and C2, C2 and C3, etc. Looking ahead, we see that removing odd degree vertices is also a goal. Thus, if a component has odd vertices, we use these connecting edges to remove them (at most 2 per component). If a component does not have odd degree vertices, we can add both edges (if it isn't C1 or Cn) to the same vertex in that component. The resulting connected graph may still have more than 2 odd degree vertices. We patch these loose ends up by connecting odd degree vertex pairs with edges. Thus this process requires n-1 edges for the connections. Then each component originally containing v > 2 odd degree vertices contributes (v-2)/2 edges.

The remaining question is why this solution is optimal. Basically, you assume there is an optimal solution that doesn't connect the components in a simple path. Loops in this "component graph" can be flattened at no cost, and take us closer to our given solution. Induction is used to complete the argument. Details are left to the reader/round tables. Some coders took another route by systematically merging components and removing odd vertices. Done correctly, this solution will work and probably requires less figuring out.

Used as: Division One - Level Three:
Value 1000
Submission Rate 33 / 283 (11.66%)
Success Rate 6 / 33 (18.18%)
High Score Petr for 500.87 points (37 mins 23 secs)
Average Score 443.53 (for 6 correct submissions)

The trickiness of this parsing problem is due solely to the strings "*/*" and "/*/". These nasty sequences keep their intentions hidden. We do not know whether they are comment enders or comment beginners. To determine their nature, some searching is required. Adhering to the procedure described in the problem statement, we process the string left-to-right trying to remove maximal MultiLine Comments. Upon finding a "/*" string, we must determine the largest MLC it participates in, if any at all. Marking the location of "/*" in the input, we breadth-first search the remainder of the string using (location,nesting depth) pairs as nodes. The strings "/*" and "*/" increment and decrement nesting depth respectively. The strings "*/*" and "/*/", if detected, can be used in either fashion, and so both possibilities are tried. Letters simply advance the location and ignore the depth. Nodes with nesting depth 0 are terminal, since they complete an MLC. Once the search is complete, we can determine which pair with depth 0 had the largest location. This gives us the length of our maximal MLC. Removing this comment, we repeat the process until no further comments can be removed.

By brett1479
TopCoder Member