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SRM 231
Saturday, February 19, 2005

Match summary

SRM 231 gave division 2 coders a welcome reprieve from the difficulties of the last few matches. chrbanx, in his 10th SRM beat out second place Mojito1 by a comfortable margin, and solved all three problems in a little over 26 minutes. The best newcomer was masti who took 8th place.

In division 1, things were not so easy, as many of the medium submissions fell to challenges, and only one person submitted the hard problem - unsuccessfully. Though Ryan had the most points from the coding phase, benetin pulled out the win with the help of 100 points during the challenge phase vs. Ryan's -25. PaulJefferys was also able to pass Ryan, and take second place on challenges, only 4 points behind benetin.

The Problems

GolfScore discuss it
Used as: Division Two - Level One:
Value 250
Submission Rate 281 / 298 (94.30%)
Success Rate 254 / 281 (90.39%)
High Score Baton for 248.12 points (2 mins 28 secs)
Average Score 205.43 (for 254 correct submissions)

Given the par values of an 18-hole golf course and the score obtained on each hole, expressed in relative terms such as "bogey" and "birdie", we are to compute the total score achieved by a player. There is one scoring phrase that is not relative, namely "hole in one". Coding a successful solution depends partly on dealing with this special case.

The other challenge is to find a way of translating the scoring phrases into their numerical values. The simplest approach is to use if statements or a switch to check each case individually. If we see that the phrase is "albatross", for instance, we know that it means -3 in relation to par, so we can add the par value less three to the total score. This calls for much typing, however, and the more we type, the greater the latitude for error.

Consider, instead, that we can look up the scoring phrase in an array and use its position to directly calculate a numerical value. In this array, the scoring phrases should be listed in order, say from lowest to highest as below. We then initialize the total score to zero. When iterating over the holes, we single out the "hole in one" case and immediately increment the score by one.

  public int tally(int[] parValues, String[] scoreSheet) {
    String[] scores = {"triple bogey", "double bogey", "bogey",
                       "par", "birdie", "eagle", "albatross"};
    int tot = 0;
    for (int i = 0, j; i <18; i++) {
      if (scoreSheet[i].equals("hole in one")) {

There are predefined functions in most languages to quickly find an element in a sorted array, but a for loop will suffice here. The scoring phrase "triple bogey" is at position 0, and its value is +3. The scoring phrase "par" is at position 3 with a value of 0. In general, we can subtract the position of a phrase and add three to obtain its value.

      for (j = 0; j <7; j++)
        if (scoreSheet[i].equals(scores[j]))
      tot += parValues[i]-j+3;
    return tot;

If the scoring phrases were not mapped in arithmetic progression to their values, we would probably want to use an associative array of some kind, such as a map or a hash, to look up the integer corresponding to each string.

Stitch discuss it
Used as: Division Two - Level Two:
Value 450
Submission Rate 185 / 298 (62.08%)
Success Rate 153 / 185 (82.70%)
High Score niphoton for 408.58 points (9 mins 14 secs)
Average Score 254.30 (for 153 correct submissions)
Used as: Division One - Level One:
Value 200
Submission Rate 200 / 208 (96.15%)
Success Rate 195 / 200 (97.50%)
High Score natori for 193.25 points (5 mins 20 secs)
Average Score 149.88 (for 195 correct submissions)

In reality, stitching two images together is a bit more complicated than this problem might suggest. If you were to use the algorithm it outlines, the stitched region would probably look rather blurry, especially in the middle part where it was closest to an even average. That said, the problem was pretty straightforward, and relied mostly on your ability to handle the indexes.

The final image has w0+w1-overlap columns, where w0 and w1 are the widths of the two images. To find the value a character in the ith column of the return, you should first check if i is less than w0-overlap in which case you just use character i from the left bitmap. Then, check if i is greater than or equal to w0, in which case you should use character i-w0+overlap from the right bitmap. If neither of those cases are true, the pixel is in the overlapping region, and you should blend the pixels at w0-overlap and i-w0+overlap from the left and right bitmaps, respectively. Just be careful to use floating point division, and then round the results. I find that the easiest way to figure all this out and avoid off-by-one errors is to think about the degenerative cases where w0, w1, or overlap is 0.

ProgramSchedule discuss it
Used as: Division Two - Level Three:
Value 900
Submission Rate 108 / 298 (36.24%)
Success Rate 63 / 108 (58.33%)
High Score chrbanx for 857.17 points (6 mins 24 secs)
Average Score 617.88 (for 63 correct submissions)

This is a classic sort of greedy problem. The answer, which many coders found, is to simply sort the programs by elements of B in descending order. That way the ones that have to run longest get started earliest. To prove that this is optimal, imagine a different ordering. In that ordering there must be an inversion - a pair of programs in the ordering that are adjacent and whose times in B are not ordered as the sorting method would order them. It is easy to prove that swapping these two programs will not make the total time any longer. Therefore, whenever there is an inversion, you can always swap the inverted programs, and the time will get no worse. Since swapping things that are out of order is one way to sort them (bubble sort), we know that by repeatedly swapping inverted elements, we will eventually get to the sorted list, and the total time will be no more than it was when we started. Hence, the other ordering is no better, and the sorted order is optimal.

LargeSignTest discuss it
Used as: Division One - Level Two:
Value 450
Submission Rate 107 / 208 (51.44%)
Success Rate 51 / 107 (47.66%)
High Score Ryan for 397.14 points (10 mins 39 secs)
Average Score 251.51 (for 51 correct submissions)

Finding the summation is pretty trivial for small inputs. But with N up to 1,000,000, the naive algorithm using doubles will run into all sorts of problems, as doubles can only go up to about 10300 - much less than 21,000,000. Hence, Most coders solved this problem in one of two ways. They either used logarithms, or else cleverly scaled things as they went.

To solve the problem with logarithms you need to know 3 basic facts (log means natural logarithm):

  • exp(log(a)) = a
  • log(a * b) = log(a) + log(b)
  • log(a / b) = log(a) - log(b)
So, we can calulate log(a!) = log(a) + log((a-1)!) and we can calculate a choose b as log(a!) - log(b!) - log((a-b)!). Also, we can calculate log(2a) as a*log(2). Now, why does this help us? Because we can use this to safely calculate each term in the summation, without overflowing or underflowing. First, find the log of the term:
    log((N choose i) / 2N) = 
    log(N choose i) - log(2N) =
    log(fact(N)) - log(fact(i)) - log(fact(N-i)) - N * log(2)
Each of those values is relatively small, but not so small that it will underflow, and will fit easily within a double, with a reasonable degree of accuracy. The largest is log(fact(N)), but even it is pretty small, compared to 10300. So, now that we've calculated the log of the term, all that remains is to take exp(x), where x is the above equation. This gives you the term in the summation with enough accuracy to solve the problem by simply adding up all the terms.

The other approach requires a bit less math, but a bit more cleverness, in my opinion. Since the denominator is a constant, we can factor it out, and take the summation of just the numerator, and then divide at the end. We can also divide as we are calculating the summation, provided we are careful about how we do it. One important observation to this approach is that a term in the summation is related to the previous term. Working out a bit of simple algebra, we find the following recurrence, where f(i) is the ith numerator:
    f(i) = f(i-1) * (N-i+1) / i
Now, we know that we have to divide by 2 a total of N times (the 2N). So, lets simply start taking the summation of the numerator, and when the numbers start to get very big, divide by 2 to keep things reasonable. When we divide the current sum by 2, we also divide f(i) by 2, so that everything has been divided by 2 the same number of times. Once we are done with the summation, we will probably have to divide by 2 some more, so that we have done so N time in total:
    double f = 1, ret = 1, k = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i <= Math.min(K,N-K); i++) {
        ret += f = f * (N-i+1) / i;
        while( ret > 2) {
            ret /= 2;
            f /= 2;
    while ( k++ < N-1 ) ret /= 2;

Mixture discuss it
Used as: Division One - Level Three:
Value 1100
Submission Rate 1 / 208 (0.48%)
Success Rate 0 / 1 (0.00%)
High Score null for null points (NONE)
Average Score No correct submissions

If you know what linear programming is, this problem was a rather elementary application of that. However, solving a linear programming problem is quite hard, and the algorithm is pretty complicated. Luckily, there is another way that only requires you know how to solve a system of linear equations.

A linear equation is an equality of the form

    Ax+By+Cz+... = D
where A, B, C, and D are constants, and x, y and z are variables. A system of linear equations is just a bunch of these. If you have enough linear equations, you can often solve them and find the values of the variables. For example, consider the following two equations:
    5x + 3y = 13              (1)
    7x + 2y = 16              (2)
The only values of x and y that satisfy both equalities are 2 and 1, respectively. But how do we find these values programatically? First off, notice that you can always multiply both sides of an equality by a constant, and it will not change the equality. Furthermore, you can subtract one equation from another equation.
 5x + 3y                    = 13            (1)
 7x + 2y                    = 16            (2)
 x + (3/5) y                = 13/5          (3) divide both sides of (1) by 5
 (7x - 7x) + (2y - (21/5)y) = 16 - (91/5)   (4) multiply both sides of (1) by 7 and subtract the result from (2)
 (-11/5)y                   = -(11/5)       (5) simply (4)
 y                          = 1             (6) divide boh sides of (5) by -11/5
 x + (3/5) y - (3/5) y      = 13/5 - 3/5    (7) subtract 3/5 times (6) from (3)
 x                          = 2             (8) simplify (7)
You can apply the same basic technique to an arbitrary number of linear equations. The idea is that you are iteratively removing a single variable from every equation except one. Typically, this is done by storing the equations in a matrix, where each row in the matrix represents a single equation. For example, the above system would be stored in the matrix as:
    5 3 13
    7 2 16
Once the equations are in a matrix, you can solve them like this:
    for(int i = 0; i<min(ROWS,COLS-1); i++){
        select a row j where M[j][i] != 0
        for(int k = COLS-1; k>=i; k--)M[j][k] = M[j][k] / M[j][i];
        for(int k = 0; k<ROWS; k++){
                for(int m = COLS; m>=i; m--){
                    M[k][m] = M[k][m] - M[j][m] * M[k][i];
    sort the rows in the order they were selected

    the answer is in the last column of M, 
        if using it as the answer gives the correct result
Note that if we fail to find a value of j during an iteration of our loop it means that if the equation can be solved, it may be solved with any value of the jth variable, and so there is more than one solution. Also, when there are less variables than rows, we can not be sure that the above steps will yield a solution, as there may be no solution. Hence, you need to double check the answer (the last column) before assuming it is correct.

In our problem, the set of linear equations follow easily from the text. For each chemical there is an equation, and each variable represents the amount of a mixture to purchase. However, this doesn't quite solve our problem. Very often, some of the values of the variables are negative when you solve the system of equations, and we can't purchase a negative amount of a mixture. Furthermore, it is likely that there is more than one way to solve the problem, and we want to find the cheapest. To solve both of these problems at once, you need to think about the form of all the possible solutions. Every solution to the system of equations can be found by starting with the solution that you need to return, and then increasing the amount of some of the mixtures, while decreasing the amount of some of the other mixtures. We can represent this with vectors. For example, if there are 3 mixtures and we could increase the amount of the first mixture by 1 while decreasing the amount of the second mixture by 2, and obtain the same result, this would be represented as a vector [1 -2 0]. If one solution to the problem were [2 3 1], then the general solution would have the form [2 3 1] + x*[1 -2 0], for some x. In fact, the solution will always by of the from C + x1*v1 + x2*v2 + ... where C represents one solution, and each vi is a vector, while xi is an arbitrary variable.

How does all this help us find the right solution? Well, associated with each of the vi's above is a cost, costi. This cost is positive if a positive value of x1 will increase the cost in relation to the solution C, and negative (or 0) otherwise. Notice that if costi is positive, we want to make xi as negative as possible. On the other hand, if costi is negative, we want to make xi as large as possible. However, once we have a valid solution where the amounts of each mixture are non-negative, we can only increase the values of xi so far before increasing them any further would result in negative amounts of mixtures. The point at which we must stop increasing (or decreasing) xi is when we are no longer purchasing any of one of the mixtures, whose quantity we would have to decrease. So, in general, the optimal solution will be found when changing any of the xi values would either increase the cost or make the purchase amount of a mixture negative.

Finally, this brings us to our algorithm. Rather than worrying about all the xis and vis, we can just try all possible subsets of mixtures, and start solving our system of equations using just those mixtures. We know that if an xi is important to the solution, then it will completely eliminate at least one mixture from the solution. By doing this elimination ourselves, in an outer loop, we no longer need to bother with xi, as the xi is not part of the solution when the zeroed mixture is not part of the subset. So, the final algorithm is:
    cost = INF
    foreach subset of mixtures
        construct system of linear equations from subset
        solve system
        if there is exactly one solution
            cost = min(cost, cost of that solution)
    return cost
As far as the runtime goes, there are at most 2^N subsets, and the algorithm to solve the systems of equations takes N^3, so the total runtime is O(2^N*N^3), plenty small for N=10. One final note about precision: you don't need to do anything fancy, as the terms in the matrix start out small enough that using an epsilon of around 1E-11 for all your calculations will make things work out fine. If you were really concerned, you could use a fraction class, and the numerator and denominator would never overflow a 64 bit integer.

By lbackstrom
TopCoder Member