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SRM 211
Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Match summary

Just as every good rock band has a warm-up act and every fine meal starts with an appetizer, the second round of the 2004 TopCoder Open was preceded by an early-morning match. Call it the Time Zone Special: it was a dewy 6 a.m. in Silicon Valley and a coffee-scented 9 a.m. at TopCoder headquarters when the competition got underway, but a leisurely 3 p.m. in Oslo and a convenient 6:30 p.m. in Bombay, where in the past they've typically landed the graveyard shift. Despite the new scheduling and the looming prospect of the tournament round, a respectable roll of 400 competitors gathered for a quick coding session.

An eagle-eyed jshute spotted stack overflows that earned him three successful challenges, yet he would have won the match without lifting a finger during the challenge phase. "Feh," read the official statement of m00tz, who found himself sitting pretty in second place. (Are those zeros in his handle, or are they capital O's? I charge obfuscation!) And LunaticFringe proved that he is, as he puts it, "back, baby!" by notching a third-place finish. In Division Two, a trio of first-time coders—tdeepakmanohar, iNHuMaToR, and LuckyLibran—surged to the top of the scorecard, vaulting them into the far less cushy ranks of Division One.

The Problems

grafixClick discuss it
Used as: Division Two - Level One:
Value 300
Submission Rate 195 / 202 (96.53%)
Success Rate 183 / 195 (93.85%)
High Score LuckyLibran for 296.69 points (3 mins 0 secs)
Average Score 254.70 (for 183 correct submissions)

Go look at the problem statement, if you haven't already, and feast your eyes on the magnified illustration of the Save button. I have it on good authority that a team of designers spent minutes, entire minutes, assembling that objet d'art. Each pixel was hand-painted with a particular shade of blue chosen in consultation with two portrait painters and a monkey. Furthermore, because all of the button's pixels lie between two fixed columns and two fixed rows, the task of determining whether a mouse click falls on one of them is an exercise in inequalities and ampersands. You should be fine as long as you keep your rows and columns straight. In window coordinates, remember, the vertical distance from the origin is specified first, whereas Cartesian coordinates give the horizontal distance first.

Then there's the business of putting the mouse-click indices into an array. The orthodox way to do this depends on your choice of language. In Java, you could push the indices into a Vector, then dump its contents into an int[]. There are dynamic-array classes in other languages, too, but you can always do without them. Instead, run through the mouse clicks twice, the first time to count how many of them activate the Save button. This lets you allocate a static array of requisite size, and on the second pass you can fill it with the indices.

grafixCorrupt discuss it
Used as: Division Two - Level Two:
Value 400
Submission Rate 187 / 202 (92.57%)
Success Rate 170 / 187 (90.91%)
High Score agilag for 399.86 points (0 mins 32 secs)
Average Score 353.68 (for 170 correct submissions)
Used as: Division One - Level One:
Value 250
Submission Rate 173 / 175 (98.86%)
Success Rate 171 / 173 (98.84%)
High Score antimatter for 249.17 points (1 mins 38 secs)
Average Score 242.46 (for 171 correct submissions)

So there's a word made of n letters, and you're looking through a dictionary of n-letter words to find one that shares the most characters with it and comes earliest in the dictionary, in that order of preference. Think about the problem this way: when you're considering a given word in the dictionary, you already have in mind the best candidate among all the words you've seen previously. So the question is whether the current word is even better than that.

If the current word and the previous best word both have the same number of characters at the same positions as the target word, or if the current word has fewer, then the previous best is still the best, so you move on. But if the current word has more shared characters, it becomes the new best candidate. Instead of storing the best candidate itself, you should store its number of matching characters and its array index. This lets you perform further comparisons with ease, and once you've gone through the dictionary, you have the best index in hand, ready to return. And when you start out with the first word in the dictionary? The best index previous to that is -1, as defined by the problem statement, and the greatest number of shared characters is zero.

grafixGlobs discuss it
Used as: Division Two - Level Three:
Value 900
Submission Rate 100 / 202 (49.50%)
Success Rate 67 / 100 (67.00%)
High Score sosiBularca for 677.16 points (17 mins 33 secs)
Average Score 443.02 (for 67 correct submissions)

A sequence of image-grouping instructions are coming at you. You have to parse the instructions and simulate their execution, keeping track of which images, or objects, belong to which groups, or globs. At this juncture, I should admit that I have a weakness for built-in string manipulation. Although I consider myself a stoic programmer in general, preferring to code my systems in C++ or straight C, I'll run crying to a higher-level language when an impromptu parsing problem comes along. Given the selection of languages available in the Arena, this means I'll reach for Java's String class and, in this case, its split method.

Here's what I would do. After parsing the current instruction and reading its numerical operands, if any, with the Integer.parseInt static method, I want to record its effect on the glob world. The problem doesn't require that I associate a unique identifier with each graphical object, which would complicate matters. It's enough to remember how many objects of each of the three types are currently in each glob, so I declare a two-dimensional integer array of length 100 and width 3, as it were. This lets me look up, for a given ID, the count of each of the three object types. And why 100? With a maximum of 50 make instructions, I'll never have more than 50 globs, but I allocate double the necessary number as a matter of practice. RAM is cheap; segmentation faults are not. It's also nice to have a boolean array to tell you which of the 100 IDs are in use. The rest is a matter of incrementing, summing, and zeroing object counts as necessary.

grafixMask discuss it
Used as: Division One - Level Two:
Value 500
Submission Rate 136 / 175 (77.71%)
Success Rate 106 / 136 (77.94%)
High Score Yarin for 484.42 points (5 mins 7 secs)
Average Score 320.39 (for 106 correct submissions)

Mask, schmask. Let me recast this problem into a different metaphor. You have a 400-by-600 grid, rectangular portions of which are washed out by the sea. The remainder forms an archipelago, each island being a maximal collection of contiguous cells. Now, to tally the area of each island, what do we do? Flood each one with more of the sea! The problem statement is screaming floodfill! floodfill! at you, which should bring you great relief because it amounts to a pleasant grid search in depth-first or breadth-first order. But you have to be careful with the depth-first, as I'll explain shortly.

The conceit here is that we're dealing with a bitmap's masking layer in grafix, a fictional application that sprang from the problem writer's fevered imagination. (Who ever heard of graphics software that combines vector drawing with bitmaps? Preposterous!) Given the modest dimensions of the masking layer, you can set up a boolean or integer array to mark off pixels in the course of the search. If you're going to search using depth-first recursion, think twice about the cost of function calls. The stack size imposes a limit on how deeply you can recurse, and in some language environments, the stack frame for each function call eats up a large chunk of the stack. Using the TopCoder Java setup, I was unable to code a depth-first recursion without running out of memory on the heavier problem instances. However, the system tests let many coders get away with it in C++, which I believe uses slimmer stack frames. Then again, you could write a depth-first recursion manually, allocating an integer array to use as your stack. As long as you're at it, you can use the same integer array as a queue, just by pushing on items at the other end. Then, of course, you're doing a breadth-first floodfill.

grafixDither discuss it
Used as: Division One - Level Three:
Value 900
Submission Rate 47 / 175 (26.86%)
Success Rate 44 / 47 (93.62%)
High Score m00tz for 760.16 points (12 mins 40 secs)
Average Score 500.91 (for 44 correct submissions)

You're asked to implement the Riemersma dithering algorithm, which really does work like this in practical applications, except it typically uses a backlog of four or more pixels, rather than one, to compute the error between source and target. The task of error propagation is just a facade on the serious business of computing the path of the Hilbert curve through a square grid. The problem statement describes this fractal by example, showing its first three iterations and leaving up to you the task of formulating a precise definition, which will lead almost directly to an implementation.

One way to view the recursion is by rotating the four child cups in each generation in relation to their parent. If we're looking at a parent cup in such a way that it opens toward the top, then the links between its children, starting from the upper left corner, go down, right, and then up. The child cups themselves, counterclockwise from the top left, are rotated thus in relation to the parent cup: a quarter turn counterclockwise; not at all; not at all; a quarter turn clockwise. So before descending recursively into each quadrant of the parent cup, we should rotate our perspective accordingly.

I, however, had a crick in my neck from playing squash and didn't want to swivel my head to analyze the problem, so I solved the problem without explicit rotation. Instead, I consider each cup as a sequence of three directed segments laid end-to-end at right angles. Eight such sequences are possible, since a cup can open to the top, right, bottom, or left, and for each of these orientations, the cup segments can be laid in two directions. I assign an integer code to each of the eight types of cup and to each of the four types of segment. Now, by looking at the sample diagrams, I can figure out, for each of the eight cups, (a) to what four child cups it gives rise and (b) what three segments link the child cups. Hence, I have seven codes to precompute for each of the eight cups. Once I've set up these 56 values in an array, I'm nearly done. Look for my Java solution in the practice room.

By Eeyore
TopCoder Member