TCO - Distributed Simple Cache version 1.0
Development Review Scorecard - aksonov
For the Development Checklist, mark each deliverable as Yes, it exists; No, it does not exist; N/A, this deliverable was not required. For the Development Review, provide a score for each statement according to the dropdown answers.
Component Development
Component Development Response

The implementation addresses the functionality as detailed in the component design documents.

Where applicable, list the missing elements below.

Response 1:  

The implementation correctly uses all required technologies (language, required components, etc.) and packages.

If required technologies or packages are not used properly, explain why.

Response 1:  

The implementation properly implements required algorithms as defined in section 1.3 of the Component Specification.

Response 1:  

The implementation has not modified the public API as defined in the design.

This includes no additional public classes, methods or variables.

Response 1:  
Class Implementation
Class Definition Response

All classes are implementated as defined in the design documents. This not only includes technical details such as modifiers and types, but also naming conventions.

Response 1:  

Defined classes are implemented.

If not, list additional or missing classes. Points should be deducted for adding classes that affect the public API.

Response 1:  
Variable Definition Response

All variables are implemented as defined in the design documents. This not only includes technical details such as modifiers and types, but also naming conventions.

Response 1:  
Method Definition Response

All methods are implemented as defined in the design documents. This not only includes technical details such as modifiers, types, arguments and exceptions, but also naming conventions.

Response 1:  
Relationships Response

The implementation properly maps class relationships.

Response 1:  
Code Review
Code Review Response

The object types defined in the implementation are the best choice for the intended usage. For example, using a Vector vs. an array.

Response 1:  

There are no needless loops.

Response 1:  

There is no needless/careless object instantiation or variable assignment.

Response 1:  

The implementation code contains detailed documentation for classes, methods and variables as defined in the Deliverables Document.

Response 1:  
Test Cases
Test Cases Response

Unit Test Cases thoroughly test all methods and constructors.

Response 1:  

Where applicable, Unit Test Cases properly make use of setup and teardown methods to configure the test environment.

Response 1:  

Where applicable, files used in Unit Test Cases exist in the /test_files directory.

Response 1:  

Where applicable, Unit Test cases do not leave temporary files on the file system after testing is complete.

Response 1:  

The unit test code contains detailed documentation for classes, methods and variables as defined in the Deliverables Document.

Response 1:  

Review Board Test Cases:

(Stress, Accuracy or Failure tests)

Stress / Benchmark: Tests the implementation according to performance and throughput. Output basic benchmarking to System.out.

Accuracy: Tests the implementation on the accuracy of the results when using the component.

Failure: Tests the implementation's ability to handle bad data and incorrect usage.

Please specify the type of test cases that were authored and executed, the total number of tests and the number of tests that were successful.

Response 1:  
Overall Score
Overall Score Response

Overall, this is a quality implementation that meets all requirements.

Please detail any additional comments regarding the component implementation.

Response 1: