A simple tool is provided to help you test your code offline. To use it, you
must write a program which reads its input via standard in and writes its
output to standard out. As usual, you may write debugging output to standard
error (be careful not to write anything but your output to standard
To us this tool, your program should start by reading two integers: N, the
number of encoded messages, and M the length of each message. These two
number will be given as the first line of input. The following N lines will
each contain M characters, and represent the N encoded messages. Once you
have read in and processed the messages, you should write your output to
standard out, followed by a new line characters. Be sure to flush your output
buffers. Thus, you might add a main method to your code which looks something
like this:
N = nextInt(); M = nextInt(); in = new String[N]; for(i = 0; i<N; i++){ in[i] = nextString(); } println(solution.decrypt(in)); flush(stdout)To run this tool, you should download the jar file and decompress the documents to the same directory. Once you have created your program, you can run the tool from the command line:
java -jar OneTimePad "your process" seedHere "your process" is the command for your executable, like "java MySolution" (quotes are needed if there is a space in the process), and seed is the seed for the random number generator, (the examples are seeds 1-10).