

To aid in the development of your solution, a visualization tool is provided. To use this tool, you must adopt your solution to read parameters from standard in and write output to standard out (this does not effect the way the solution you submit on the website should work). To do this, you might implement the following psuedocode:
        length = int(next_line())
        for(i = 0 ; i < length; i++)
            ret[i] = next_line()
        return ret
        species = string_array()
        fish = string_array()
        wanted = next_line()
        ret = placeObstacles(species, fish, wanted)
        for(i = 0 ; i < length(ret); i++)
In other words, you should first read the parameters, then run your algorithm, and finally output the result, one element per line (preceded by the length).

To run your compiled solution, you should run:
java -jar Flock.jar -exec "<cmd>"
<cmd> here is the command to execute your program. Java users should note that this will be something like "java FlockingBehaviour".

In addition the -exec parameter, you can set the random number generator seed (with -seed), and the delay between steps (with -delay, in milliseconds). For instance, you might run:
java -jar Flock.jar -exec "java FlockingBehaviour" -seed 3 -delay 100
Finally, a -novis parameter turns off the visualization, only reporting the score.