[Bug Bounty] - TopCoder Direct Bug Fixes Round 1 (pay per bug fix)

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Welcome to [Bug Bounty] - TopCoder Direct Bug Fixes Round 1 (pay per bug fix)

The goal of this challenge is to fix a number of reported open bugs for the TopCoder Direct hosted on the GitHub : cloudspokes/direct-app

Bug Bounty is a program that will pay community members to fix bugs reported in the issues tracking on GitHub. This code fix challenge will have member assigns themselves to an issue. The bugs will be very small fast fixes that shouldn't take more than 1-2 hours to fix.

Challenge Scope

This challenge will have a long time frame which is different than the usual code challenge. 

For this challenge, you will assign a bug that has corresponding dollar amount and labeled "fix me" to yourself from our current queueHowever you should not really assign the issue to yourself, instead you should just comment on the issue saying you're working on it, the 1st member to comment on an issue is considered the assignee. You should also follow the rules below:

  • Each member may only assign one issue to themselves at a time. Assign, work, submit the pull request, look for the next issue. 
  • If a member is no longer working on an issue they should delete the assignment comment from the issue. 
  • If a member commented that they are working on the issue and the issue isn't closed in two days, we will remove that member assignment comment so other members can work on the issue.

We assigned prize for each open bugs which are waiting for be fixed (i.e. In the left of the issue title). The competitor can select any open bug to work on. We will use the Fork & Pull model with the GitHub. 

  • First you need to fork the direct-app repo and push changes to your personal fork.
  • For each issue you work on, please create a topic branch with a meningful name. For example, issue32_metrics_filters_not_hide
  • After done, commit and push changes into your topic branch in your personal fork and create a pull request against the cloudspokes/direct-app origin/dev
  • In the pull request, please comment to attach the screenshots of your verification.

All Open Bugs are are shown here but please only check the ones with a label "fix me" and status open. The bug list will be updated frequently, new bugs will be kept adding and old bugs may be fixed by the other competitors, so keep watching the bug list.

If you are the assignee of an issue and found out it's already fixed, you can report in your comment saying the issue can be closed and you'll also be paid $25 for verifying the fix.

Browser Requirements

The following browser should be considered when a bug will involve UI fixes:
- IE10
- IE11
- Latest Safari
- Latest Firefox
- Latest Chrome

Review Scoring

Since this is not a normal challenge, review scores don't mean any thing. Scorecards are only needed to complete the challenge process. 


  • After you finish fixing issues you want to fix, you need to submit a text file to list all your fixed issues which are accepted. We will pay you the total sum of the your fixed issue payments.

Code Base

  • Please fork the https://github.com/cloudspokes/direct-app/ and create topic branch against origin/dev. That means your work should base on origin/dev branch.

VM Environment

If you need a TopCoder VM to work on this challenge, Please request the VM in the challenge forum.

Information about VM can be found below:

VM specific information is found here: http://www.topcoder.com/wiki/display/docs/VM+Image+2.5 and https://github.com/cloudspokes/direct-app/blob/dev/README.md

If you could not login into Direct on VM, try the following:

1) Update the following to /home/direct/direct token.properties

 Rebuild and restart the topcoder Direct

2) Add the following to /home/tc/jboss-4.0.4.GA/server/all/conf/ApplicationServer.properties

Restart the jboss under /home/tc

Upon registration as a submitter or reviewer you will need to request a VM based on the new TopCoder Cockpit/Direct image. To request your image, please use the forum. Before requesting your VM, you need to ensure that you have an SSH key created and in your member profile. Instructions to do so are here: http://www.topcoder.com/wiki/display/projects/Generate+SSH+Key, and instructions to connect afterwards are here: http://www.topcoder.com/wiki/display/projects/Connect+Using+SSH+Key.


Final Submission Guidelines

  • The issue fix should be submitted via pull request from your personal fork.
  • The list of your fixed issues should be submitted before the challenge submission phase finishes.


2015 topcoder Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30046794