Hercules MyMedia Website - Aviary integration

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

The Hercules MyMedia application where users can upload pictures and videos, tag them, and sync them accross their mobile devices and view them in a browser.  



To view the web application source code, you will need access to the Gitlab repository here:



The client has asked that we integrate Aviary photo editing into the web application.  Right now, you will see overlays on photos as you mouse over them.  We are going to add an "Edit" button to go along with the favorite, info, and delete buttons.  This will:

  • Download the full-size image
  • Open up the Aviary editor in a window with the image loaded

Once the user has completed their edit, we will have a new copy of the file.  When the copy is available locally, it needs to be uploaded to the server as follows:

  • A thumbnail has to be generated as if this was a new file upload (look elsewhere in the code for how this is done)
  • A new image is created with the name of the original image, suffixed with "_edit".  So, if my original image was "image1", the new copy would be "image1_edit"
  • All tags from the original image are applied to the copy
  • The copy is uploaded to the server

So, just to clarify, if I have a collection with one file in it, I edit that file and confirm in Aviary, I should end up with two files - the original and an edited copy.

Details about how to get the Aviary web plugin and the Aviary API key and secret can be found in the Gitlab README, along with details on how to deploy and login to the current application

Final Submission Guidelines

Please see above


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30046670