Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Task Overview

In current CSFV CMS application deployment, we have different set of configuration files to maintain, if it is development environment the files are config/configuration.js, and config/settings-dev.js, if it is production the files are config/configuration.js and config/setting-prod.js.

In this challenge we are moving to use environment variables insetad of config/settings-dev.js and config/settings-prod.js

Task Requirements

  • Remove config/settings-dev.js and move all variables to be environment variables.
  • Add env-sample to root directory, this sample will be cloned into .env when deploying and will be read by configuration.
  • Add .env to .gitignore file.
  • The env variables should only include variables required by the deployment, current settings-dev.js contains lots of varaibles that are not needed by cms application. So you need to clean it up and use only needed environment variables.
  • config/configuration.js should not include any hardcoded value that depends on the environment, everything should be moved to .env file instead.
  • config/configuration.js will read environment variables directly from .env (env-sample) file.
  • We use 'forever' module in production, your solution must properly allow forever to parse and read .env file and pass it to config/configuration.js, if it is not supported by forever then you need to add support from withinc config/configuration.js to allow reading .env file.
  • Cleanup the files we no more need.

Github Code

We have the CSFV code base in private account, please request access in forums if you don't have.


  • Git patch file of changes.
  • Text file with notes to reviewer.

Final Submission Guidelines



Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30046570