Challenge Overview

We finished up the merge our API to the frontend for our TCO14 mobile application. We have some final fixes we need to do based upon what was found in the last challenge.

  1. authorization API incomplete -
    • You should use create JWT( api to get your JWT token and put this token in Authorization http header to access private information
  2. messages API incomplete -
    • Update the mobile app code to match the message api response format
  3. multimedia API route -
    • we can detect the media file by the suffex name (e.g. .jpeg, .mp4)
  4. GET attendees new parameter -
    • will update the tco-api to support this
  5. POST signup json error -
    • api fixed.
  6. POST message json error -
    • api fixed.
  7. Get settings json error -
    • api fixed.
  8. Call tcapi after signup -
    • use nodejs api to login as the issue 1 solution and then access to get user profile.

Final Submission Guidelines

The source for the UI is available here. Clone the repo and get started. If you need to connect it to the API please see the API docs. You must clone this repo and run the API locally. If you find any discrenprencies with the API, the docs or the UI code, please post it to the forums and we'll reply as soon as possible. 

If you need test or sample data, please see the API tests for more help or post a message to the forum. See this page for login credentials.



Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30045266