Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Build a trigger, workflow or formula in that calculates the percent complete for a member's profile (add a Profile_Complete__c field to the Member__c object). The current Member__c object is attached in the Assets section.

Calculate their percent complete total the following (btw.. it will not ever reach 100% as we are leaving some stuff hidden right now):

- If they simply have a member record they get 10% (essentially everyone starts off with 10%).
- If Address_Line1__c, City__c, State__c, Zip__c, Country__c, Phone_Mobile__c and Time_Zone__c have been filled out, they get an extra 30%.
- If Paperwork_Received__c and Preferred_Payment__c have been filled out, they get an extra 10%.
- If they have a value for Profile_Pic__c different that the default value, they get an extra 10%.
- If they have entered a value for Company__c, they get an extra 2.5%.
- If they have entered a value for School__c, they get an extra 2.5%.
- If they have entered a value for Summary_Bio__c, they get an extra 2.5%.
- If they have entered a value for Quote__c, they get an extra 2.5%.


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30040195