Mass Change User Profile UI

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Create a Visualforce Page and Apex controller that allows an administrator to search for users and move multiple users to a different profile.

1. The administrator will be able to perform a keyword search and returns the a collection of user. Would love to have the fields to display in the table configurable if possible but it must contain at least their name and the current profile for the user.

2. The administrator will be able to select (via a checkbox) multiple users to be moved to the new profile. ��

3. The administrator selects a profile from a picklist. This is the profile that all selected users will be moved to.

Once the administrator submits the form, the Apex will move all selected users to the selected profile and display the users in a new list showing their new profile.


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30038326